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Gif Of the Momement
The Gif Of The Moment is.........Android 17 HD  by Kiss72dbz@aol.com


Kiss Dragon Ball Z Site: Best gif site ever

Welcome to Kiss Dragon Ball Z site. Your source for animated gifs.This site has been purposely made for animated gifs, and I will try my best to entertain all who come here.If you have any further ques please e-mail me. Be sure to visit my gifs page for future character updates.
-Temp Url-
Thursday                                                                                                 June/28/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
If you didn't know already we have moved back to http://www.kissdbz.com. Thats why this layout hasn't been updated........
Thursday                                                                                                  May/31/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
Well I knowned that the flash movie was down all this time, well now if you want to see you can check it out right here.
-Final Update-
Tuesday                                                                                                  May/11/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
Okay I know its been awhile since I update, because Ive been to busy trying to finish this layout. So this will be the last update with this layout. The next time I update it will be with my new layout. I also decided to help out DBR, so I will be completing andriod 17hd for the game. Okay Now for the update, I added an new Trunks, and Misc Page, and I updated Trunks. Your most likely saying to youself, what type of update is this. If you did think that you must be crazy or something, you know I dont make weak updates like this, so its time for the biggest part of this update. Like I said I was going to convert one of my gifs into flash, well now here it is, I converted Super 17 return part 1 into flash. I think you should enjoy that, but there is something wrong with it. My loading screen didn't work correctly so it goes to the first part of the movie. So just let it finish loading, then right click and press play. If the above link doesn't work click here.
-New Layout coming!!!-
Tuesday                                                                                                  April/24/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
Ive finally decided to switch to shtml, html is getting old an hard to work with, so I will be making a new layout, Its should be done in about a month. Also My Mb is down, but it should only be back up soon I hope. I must recite that all of my long battles, saga gifs, and fanfic gifs are not to be used on any other site. A site known as the DBZ Edge, stole my freeza saga gifs, and used it on there site only because a person named chouzu2000 decided to give it to them. I hope this never happens again. I was trying to update on some flashed gifs I made, but I didn't have that much spaced to upload them to, I think I can have it uploaded by tommorow. Okay now for the update, I added an new Bardock , and Misc Page. I updated Gohan, Trunks, I also fixed those super17 gifs that where down. Finally I decided to add some more dbz clips to my Movies Section.
-Another New Staff member-
Thursday                                                                                                April/12/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
Its been awhile since I updated. It seems I have no choice but to buy my own ftp,If I want to make more faster updates. Finally I wont be making most of the updates around here. Our new co-host Kennon will be updating the site on whatever he can get. I've been working on alot of hd characters one of them is the Trunkshd right there. Oh and I dont want nobody using him until hes completely finish. Okay now for the update, I added an new Trunks, 2 Krillen pages (3,4), and a new super 17 page, along with an new misc page (your gonna like these addons). I also added an new fanfiction gif I started, Its called Super17's Return, it has 3 parts already (1,2,3).I updated Vegeta and Super17. I also got an new staff member, he will be the sites writer.
-New Staff member-
Sunday                                                                                                    April/01/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
Were finally back from our recent problems with people who dislike this site. People like Fred, and from now on I will make this site more secure then ever. Next update you will see the diffrence. So I wont be working on the tutorial page. I also got an new Staff member, its actually 2 new staff members.Okay Now for the update. I added  new Super 17 pages (2,3). I added a new Were monkey page, and I add 2 new pages to the Misc section (10,11). I updated Krillen, and the Help wanted section. Telling what jobs are most wanted.( Note: Super 17 is almost finish, when he is finish he can be used on other sites, with permission from me).
-New Technique-
Sunday                                                                                                  March/25/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
I've finally learned Akira Toriyama's secret for making those little power up thingys. You'll have to result to the message board in order to see a better version of it. Ive done it for ssjsn staff gif,  but its not that good of an example of it. I have also noticed that I am very good at making gifs from SCRATCH!!!, if you haven't notice that oozaru gif( a.k.a were monkey), Is made from scratch, and according to my pic there is nothing missing from that gif. He takes about an hour, to finish, and since an oozaru doesn't do that much I only have to make a couple of frames in order to finish it. I have 3 new staff members, and I added 2 more affilates. Ive also decided to do my own andriod16hd, which is at the gif of the moment. That took me an hour an a half to finish, since It was my first time attempting it, and that green vest looking thingy includes about 6 values. The legs also took awhile to complete also. Next Update, I will not be doing so much gifs, since I will be rewriting the gif tutorial page. To teach everything I know. I promise ya'll that it would be so good, that you should be able to do gifs as good as I can. Okay now for the update, I added an new Gohan , Pikkehan ,and 2 new misc pages (8,9).( misc page 8 includes a trunks time machine requested by Gif Enhancer). I updated Gohan, Krillen(with some cool krillenhd's), and Li (Evil Shenlong)
-GohanHD and KrillenHD-
Sunday                                                                                                  March/18/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
I secretly did Gohan and KrillenHD(krillenhd is at the gif of the moment), since I was bored, even when I was not suppose to. I was suppose to do 1 part of the freeza saga, but I think I can manage to do one by tommorow. The only problem is that by doing a freeza saga I will slow down the time Im suppose to use in order to do some more evil shenlong gifs. This is how I will order what I will work on, first week make a new character (or finish that character).2nd week finish a already made character,3rd week, gif requests and long battles. Okay now for the update, I added an new Tien Page ( with a cool gohanhd made by piccolohd), I also added 2 misc page (6,7), and a new long battle (Majin Buu ub22 Vs Majin Vegeta), theres 2 parts to that (part 2). I updated Gohan.page 7.
Friday                                                                                                   March/09/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
As I promise, I ve started to finish some of the super 17's, but since super 17 is made from the same character (veggetto), I decided to do both of them (super 17 and Gogetahd), since It covers more work. The Gogeta you see now is my final version, my old version, is on franks site, not that much of a diffrence though. Okay now for the update. I added an new Pirin page, and Misc page, and I updated Super 17, and Gogeta. I finally got my misc page up. This page will feature fireballs, dbz boards, and alot of other things, I made customly (from scratch. Theres already 5 pages to it (2,3,4,5). 
-Big Update!!!-
Friday                                                                                                   March/02/2001    By:Kiss72dbz@aol.com
Today is an very big update. Myself I haven't seen an update as big as this one in awhile. As I promise I've done some Evil Shenlong(Li), but only a couple of frames, since he takes like an half and hour to finish one frame. If you look at the the gif of the moment you'll see an actuall cell hd form 2. Done how its is in the episode not how it is in the gif from Hyper Dimension. Okay now for the Update!!. I updated the goku page, and added 2 new pages (10,11). I added 2 new Vegeta Pages (6,7). I added an new Majin Buu Page, and a new section Mr. Satan, along with another page to that. I also added an section King Vegeta , and (ofcourse) a new Evil shenlong section. Most of todays update is, because of M.U.G.E.N. If you didn't know already. ( Please Do not use the evil shenlong gifs, until they are fully completed. )

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Sites stats
-Animated Gifs : 1520
-Images : 102
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-Info Pages : 15
-Highest Day of hits : 7472
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Copyright 2000
The site was created June 1998, Best viewed 800x600 .Any gifs (made by me) here cannot be taken (to be use on any other sites) without the written permission of kiss72ass. Dragon Ball Z is a trademark of Bandai, Toriyama , and Funimation . We are not associated with these companies mentioned. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and hopefully Dragon Ball AF, were created by Akira Toriyama. Not by me. Gifs here were edited from the Following games Super Butaden1,2,3 , Hyper Dimensio,etc.Site Designed By kiss72ass.