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Update#1 5/27/99 A Gif Page and a Image Gallery.
Update#2 6/12/99 4 more gifs and 2 more movies.
Update#3 6/14/99  2 more movies.
Update#4 6/17/99  a scanned image gallery.
Update#5 6/21/99 sorry for taking so long. Since somebody insist i have a scenes page now.
Update#6 7/5/99  a Story summary page.
Update#7 I have added some more banners.
Update#8 10/21/99 I have added my second master gif it is called the freeza saga.Sorry for not having a update in a while, It was school work that got in my way.
Update#9 2/3/00 Prepare for all new Gogeta Gifs.No corney lookin one neither.As usual you will not be able to take the Gogeta Gifs, because It took me way to long to make him,any thing that took me hour or so will now be able to be taken.Only when I fell it is right to let people take it.
Update#10 2/7/00 All new veggetto gifs from Hyper Dymension and Picallo's page
Update#11 2/22/00 another day another Update, G vs E and Cellfight not as good as G vs E, but its a start .
Your votes has been cast in. Your animated gifs of sagas, movies has been cast in. First it'll be Trunks story/Andriodand Cell Saga( Which almost done) then Majin Buu Saga, Vegta Saga, The World Strongest. None really voted for Rebirth of fusion and Dragon Fist Assault, so I don't no which one to do first
 Update#12 2/24/00 My trunks and Andriod Saga/CELL is done check out Part 1 I hope you enjoy this part is pretty funny. Im sorry for not updating other pages, but making this animated gifs, take up alot of time.
Update#13 2/29/00 Only Part 1 of Majin Buu Saga is offically done so I couldn't show you that instead I updated on the characters. Goku has another Page. Just visted my animated gif page and see what's new. You will see a big surprise. I wanted to update everybody else, but I can't use up all of my space. I also recieve another award.Im finally publishing my Profiles check them out now. Villans are not finish.
Update#14 2/7/00 I have gotten another award, and finally finish my Majin Buu Saga. E-mail me if you would like me to make a gif of your choice. Or if you would like me to make a created saga from your mind. e-mail me if you would like me to put my topsites back up. I have finally updated my movies page. Its finally starting to began to be updated again. I have also made all new awards accept for my Super Sayin award.
Update#15 3/14/00 I have updated my Gifs Page Dr Gero is now on it. I will update on other characters the following days until Saturday. Im still take in Gif requests. I have been send 2 for now. One with Piccolo, beating up all the evil guys, and Gohan Trunks fusing. e-mail me to requested your personal gif.
Update#16 3/19/00 Majin Buu has finally been added. I have stopped making gifs, but I will began next month. I have stored atleast 200 gifs for that time (to upload), so I could entertain you until I start again. I have met up with the creator of Picolos page. He plans on making Cell saga and Majin Buu saga. Picolos page had also been added to my links, with some info on the websites.
Update#17 4/9/00 I have finally updated,(Its americal). Sorry for the delay, but I have been stuck on making my new sagas. I almost finish making an oozaru.(It made from buu) I have added chibitrunks to my  gifs page .
Update#18 4/23/00 I would like if all of my sites vistors to read my opinion on Pokemon Stadium.
I have updated my gifs on Piccolo and added a new image page to my collection. I am starting a whole new page for images. I am collecting Fan art now. So if you have any e-mail them to me. I only have tons of Fan art done by me, but I would like some to be done by you.
Update#19 5/30/00 Updated on Vegeta and added a new page.
Update#20 7/19/00 I have updated on Freeza and also added an new Freeza page (isn't the updates always like this).I have decide to put a search engine on my page, and a copyright (below).My search engine is just like other Search engines.Its nothing special. I have added some new images in my Image Gallery, and fixed "Bulma has No Balls" (In my Movies Section). I have also decide to add affiliates. The search engine and the Affiliates are below my menu. Only the best sites are listed. Sites with the following: A nice Layout, and lots of sections.
Update# 21 7/20/00 I have added a new goku page wich includes kid goku. I have also added some or alot Zarbon and Tien gifs. Next time I update I wil show my character from my cartoon Destiny X®. I remove that dumn search engine, because it didn't work. Next time I update The Freeza Saga should be redone over and probably some movies and I will update The Ginyu Force,  and add Bojack and Zangya.
Update# 22 8/14/00 I have change my whole layout. I've also posted my freeza saga, but it is still not finish. I have to finish making gohan in armor. but that won't take long. I also added images to my whole site. In my animated gif section. I ve showed names of all the characters I ve have or working own. evertime I update I will feature new characters below my affilates, in other sections. I have a whole new games sections. featuring downloadable games, information on games, and games that I am selling, but downloadbles and informations section are not up. I' ve change my movies section. I will start to frequently update my movies section. If you have any other further questions you can e-mail me or im me. (If your using Aol).
Update# 23 8/20/00 I ve added some more Freeza gifs. Featuring his other forms. I also added an Nail, and Master Roshi, and Vegeta ss4 Section. I will be in Virgina for about a week or so, and will be unable to update my page while im gone so don't expect me to answer your e-mail's or update until I come back.My scanned Image Gallery is down, I hope everybody votes on my new pole. and also I will not delete my past polls anymore. I'll just put them on my polls page. I added a little gif of krillen with hair raising his hand for someone who had requested it. You can expect more later on. Ive also change a image on my attack list, and written who does the attack so later on I can make the move that the characters does. Also once my Quicktime Pro comes in the mail I will start to make music videos. I'll be also putting up an tutorial section.(On making animated gifs like me) lator on. Don't forget to sign my guest book.
Update# 24 9/7/00 I really did like the old one, but it took to long to load. Especially if I would like to put some more images for when I update. Ive also change the old banner. My page is still on its road to greatness. I plan On adding an online rpg game. Like PBS, But for Dragon Ball Z. Were people can battle eachother. Im working on my fighting and rpg game. My fighting game will be out soon, once I figure out how to install Vegeta an Freeza hd. I haven't even really started on my rpg though. Ive added an "about me" section. Ive also updated my banners section. Added splitted up my awards section. Its been really hard managing this website alone so, thats why I added a help wanted section. I hope everyone enjoyed that new episode of dbz, and you can expect after the Freeza saga . An Update of my Trunks Andriod and Cell saga. You will have to e-mail me at Juno (Temp), because AOL, shutdown my acount it should be back up, sooner or later. Oh because they shutdown my acount my free space is also gone. I ve also added 3 more parts to my Freeza Saga.
Update# 25 9/16/00 For todays update Fix all of my profiles, and FINALLY! theres a villian section. There s new staff member for my site now. He will be the sites writer. That either corrects, add on or writes new stuff for my website. I have finally got the rest of the gifs for brolly, and I have a new Gohan Page featuring Great Sayiaman. I haven't really been working, on my freeza saga. nor have I got my AOL account back.
What do you think I should I add on my page? Tell me your reponse.
Update# 26 9/24/00 As you can see Piccolo and Goku are fusing, but that is not what it stands for. My site and Piccolo HD has merged and Now the owner of Piccolo Hd has join my sites staff. Thats means more updates ( : .Now that Piccolo HD has join my site all of his gifs are here also, so that means mostly every single character gif has been updated and theres is long battle or his saga he created thats under fanfiction(visited my gif page to see). Ive added an kooler or cooler page. there also a couple of more sites under my links. I've been working on some andriod 19 gifs. Once he's finish Im almost prepare for my remake of the Trunks,Cell, and Android Saga  Also don't forget to sign up for my message board. These a rumor around the iternet claiming an new Dragon Ball saga called Dragon Ball AF, wich is showed by a picture of SSJ Goku Level 5. They say its an Comic book thats out in Japan. Well if they say theres an comic book I certainly believe it.
Update# 27 9/28/00 Theres a new Staff member now (RPG SE). He's the sites watcher, wich basically watches out for other sites who take my material without giving me credit or permission. He also signs up for stuff like links, awards, and affilates. Other than that I added an new Pan section made all by Piccolo HD, I also added an new Battles Page with Stone cold beating up Goku and Vegeta and a Goku Page, featuring mostly chibi Goku from GT. Ive updated my freeza saga with 2 more parts to it, and I also updated Trunks and Vegeta Page. Im still working on my Downloadable Games Page, Tripod is just not working with me. Have you notice that Andriod 17 carries a gun. What was the purpose of that. You can espect to see that in the message board also. What was Akira Toriyama thinking. When he made 17. You give a guy that can discentergrate you with one hand, but he has a gun?. Maybe that gun has some type of special feature. I still want my sites fans to sign up for my message board. currently there only 4 registered members. Im been working on some Andriod 19 gifs currently there only 2 files.I am now reachable at aim, heres my Screen name: Kiss72assaim. Don't Forget to Vote.
Update# 28 10/11/2000 For todays update theres an new staff member (Guru). He will be helping out with animated gifs an also images(about time). He will also be concentrating on 3D images (From sketches we drew).(He just might figure out to use it before me!). He's my friend in real life, and we also go to the same school. Other than that I updated my Trunks, Short Battles, Ginyuu Force, Piccolo, Pan, and my Freeza saga (you'll love recoom's flames of fury or whatever that's called). Ive also added an new Goku Page. I've really haven't been working this week , because I've finally got a new playstation,(because my old one broke). You guys don't know how boring Nintendo 64 can be. I've been playing my Xenogears and Im currently up to Solaris. I know, I know that game is old, but Im a Fan of Xenogears and I will reprsent them to the fullest, and also I have never beat the game when I had my Playstation, so I am trying now. I been trying to understand how to make 3D graphics with this program called Design Workshop. Its very hard but, I'll figure it out. You can also expect a new layout. I already have an Idea. (Notice: I was suppose to update yesterday , but I had a slight injurie on my back).
Update# 29 11/4/2000 Finally!!!, I get a chance to update. Tripod! (again) has gone crazy, stopping me from uploading my freeza saga. For todays update I added an new battles page, updated I Andriod 16 and Andriod 18. I ve also added 4 new freeza sagas. I am almost finish : ). 10 more parts should do it. I added an new Gohan , Radditz, and Nappa Page, I finally updated the Ginyuu Force's page (with an nice little imagemap).  They now (Finally) Include all of the members of the, Ginyuu Force. I hope you enjoy the gifs, I now you will. I have done an new layout, its pratically ready, but I wouldn't want to jump into that just yet! DbZGT has an preview of my ubuu and Andriod 19 gifs. He used the gifs I showed him.
Update #30 11/19/00 All gif request will be held on my message board. They will also be showed there (For more quicker viewing). Whom ever didn't sign up should sign up now. Today there will be no Freeza Saga, but I added  Andriod 19, Ubuu, Kaioshin, Choazu, Bojack, and Zangya section . I updated  Krillen, Cell jr, Gogeta, Gotenks and Nappa. The Gogeta and Gotenks update only includes the fusion technique.Finally I added some roms. Only 4 though. Dragon Ball Z Super Butaden 1, 2, 3, Hyper Dimension, and That one for Genesis ( all thanks to geocites :) ) . Im working on the index. There will be some flash on the index, but probably I couple or days or even weeks after the index is publish.
Update #31 11/27/00 Its time for a very big change in the history of Kiss Dragon Ball Z Site, I will have to clean up my act. I take to long to update in this is the last straw so for now I pledge to update  2 or 3 times a week, and all of my staff members are going to have to chip in a little bit more, and I myself will be putting alot more effort into my work. I've been working on my message board a little bit more. I still do need more members so sign up now. RPG SE , im gonna need your help more than the others for some more links submission. You can also help me by telling others about this site. Okay now that I've gotten that over with lets get to the update there is now an main were you enter (ofcourse). I've updated Goku, and Krillen. Ive added an new Battle page along with Yamacha, Tien, Goku vs vegeta, and 2 on 2 page. There are 5 new Parts to the Freeza Saga, and yes they do all work. Just refresh the page if it doesn't. I still do need more staff members, and if your going to join for creating gifs you have to be somewere near me or PiccoloHd in making gifs. I also would like somebody to Join for making games like with M.U.G.E.N or RPG maker 2000. I will be answering more link submision now. Im also still at Juno so don't e-mail me at AOL, I still have to wait since I want other things for now like clothes, games, etc. I have an very important Poll on my message board, Its in the General Discussion section. This will decide the future outcome of this site.
Update #32 11/29/00 If you haven't been visiting theirs a new poll in the Message Board. "Who's is the better Gif Maker"(Piccolo HD or Me). Post your votes in the General Section of my Message Board. Other than that since it so soon, I only updated Gohan, Freeza, and Piccolo. I started On regular Cooler, its way better than the ones you have spotted and I put alot more time in Cooler. Goku and Trunks in armor, Should be ready either by Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, along with 2 more parts to thr Freeza Saga. I would of worked more, but I had to study for my Midterms Yesterday, and the day before. 
Update #33 12/3/00 Since It wasn't enough members to vote I decided to make do due date Next Sunday. In this update I decided to make this update to include me, since It was to small of an update with PiccoloHD's work. We updated an added new pages too Cell, Gogeta,Goku,Veggetto,Krillen,Vegeta, Choazu, Trunks, Short Battles(updated),Short Battles(new) and I added 2 more Freeza Sagas. In these 2 Freeza sagas. Freeza 2nd form finally gets a little peace of the cake. The best part actually is in the 2nd part when Gohan attempts to try an kick Freeza, thats only at the end. The message board finally is starting to go well (Could it be the power levels). Im going to add something that will detect with an user is online. I got a book that explains Javascript, so you can expect the website and the message board to look alot better.
Update #34 12/6/00  I fixed all Freeza Sagas. From 16 - 27. All thanks to geocities. I haven't been working that much, so I only updated cooler , Gohan, and Ubuu. In other News theres is another staff member (all thanks to PiccoloHD! I l. ) He will basically make gifs off of characters made from the M.U.G.E.N Game. There will be no 3rd update this week since Im going to play Paint Ball on Sunday. The 2nd update will be held  On Saturday.
Update #35 12/9/00 For todays update I updated Goku, and Gohan. I added an New Part to the Freeza Saga, and I added an new Long Battle.......Tien Vs Yamacha, and its savable. This gif is longer Than the Freeza Saga by 130 frames, The Freeza Saga is on an average of 200 frames. There will also be another part to the Tien Vs Yamacha . A more evil side of these 2. Im going to posted a poll to vote for who you want to win on the message board. Sunday will be my day for Paintball. I will inform everyone on Monday the results on my games, since I be there all day. Wish me Luck ; ) .
Update #36 12/19/00 After what Freeservers did I thought I would never get my site back up, I've been working alot of days, on recovering the site to 100% , but I still haven't achievied this yet. I also lost alot of fans and traffic this way. Luckily I had then Message board, but still people didn't even want to sign up, thats there fault I guess. For todays update I updated Goku, Gohan, Trunks (with some cool TrunksHD gifs), added an new Vegeta page, and 1 more battle gif. Alot of people of been saying that the gifs on my site do not save in gif format that is somthing I do not understand, if you now how to fix this e-mail me.I haven't been working on the freeza saga for the longest, I haven't even made the name of the file :( . Don't worry, because the next update will include all of this, with my site fully fixed.
Update #37 1/4/00 After a weeks vacation over my cousins crib, I am back!!!!!!!, but Iam not 100% healthy. I've been catching these mid fevers like water, so I haven't been able to make that much gifs. I've been working on 2 long battle, one with cell against 3 people and that Tien Vs Yamacha part 2 thingy. This Update really is based on PiccoloHD. Okay now for the Update. For today's update I updated Trunks, Short Battles, Choazu, and Yamacha. With this old software the only thing I can do the same as my current software is battle gifs. This isn't over I will have my stuff updated before this week is finish!!!!!!!!. O and in my next update (which is due in 1 or 2 days) The old Majin Buu Saga and Cell saga will finally be back!!!!!!!!.
Update #38 1/17/00 Its been awhile!!!, Im glad I hurried and updated or dbz fans would of came by my door with knives and guns!!!!!!. I guess you can obviously see what took me so long. I might just keep this layout this time. I still haven't fix everything yet, there are still some pages that have not been fixed. There are also 2 new staff members. Okay now for the update. I've added an new Goku page, an new Gohan page, an a new Krillen Page, Ive added 3 new Long battles, Some include some of ya'll request. I added Majin Buu VS Majin Vegeta, Cell VS Trunks,Goku and Vegeta, and Andriod 16 VS Buu. I have finally revived the Majin Buu Saga, and Trunks/Andriod/Cell game. I updated Vegeta,Trunks,Chibitrunks,Goten (with my own gotenhd version!!!!!), and Battles Page 8.
Update #39 1/27/01 There is 1 major problem with the new layout, its almost fixed, just a couple of pages need to be done. I haven't been working that much since, I ve been out on the weekends. Okay now for the update I added an new andriod 17, Super 17, and Videl Page. I also added an new long battles, Videl VS Cell. Ive been working on alot characters, as you can see the Mystic Gohan on the side. Im trying to finish andriod 19 and  Super 17, but they are both more take more longer than I thought. I also plan on fixing the gifs page, so It can be more ordered.
Update #40 2/3/01 I have finally decide to update the freeza saga. Ive added 3 more parts to it. Other than that I really didn't do anything else besides that execpt add an new Goten page, and update Gohan.
Update #41 2/9/01 Okay for todays Updated I added an new Freeza Saga, an new Freeza Page, I added an new Spice boy page. Ive also added an new long Battles, Bojack Vs Brolly, an I updated Goku and Goten. I haven't done that much work since Ive been working on rearranging the gifs page so It will be more ordered. In the Bojack VS Brolly fight I came up with 2!  diffrent techniques . I wont spoiled it for you I would rather you check it out. Its very long though, 370 frames to be exact, But it worth it.
Update #42 2/14/01 As for this update I name this site in the name of PiccoloHD for the day. I updated the Goku page 8. And as for a Change I specifically made sure that the Piccolo was updated(Besides the fact that I didn't make any of those Gifs) So anyway. I added a Freeza GIF and a Vegeta Gif along with thre rest of them. Now as for the final part of the update a long battle made by kiss was made. "GOTEN VS FRIEZA" this may be the last time I do an update so enjoy.
Update #43 2/20/01 We now have an new staff member, his name his kennon and he will be making and getting images for this site, but the image gallery can't be updated until I fix that up too. Probably Next Update we will have another staff member, his site is dbzgifs, a new gif site. Theres so many gifs site these days : ). Okay now for the Update, I added an new Goku, an New Battles Page, and another part to the Freeza Saga, and I updated Vegeta and Goten.
Update #44 2/23/01 The site is finally back, I fixed all of the images, The Freeza saga, android/trunks/cell game is up, along with the Majin Buu Saga, if you see any problems any page please notify me about it. I guess it wasn't that big of a problem. Since this isn't suppose to be an update I usually wouldn't update anything, but I did today I added an new part to the Freeza saga an updated andriod 17's page. I also made a new better button, which you see at the bottom of this update. Thats all for this update.
Update #45 2/25/01 Not to long ago I recieved a e-mail asking me to make gotenks in super butaden. Well finally here its is. I only done a couple of frames, and there only in ssj form, but dont worry he'll be finish very soon. Okay now for the update I add an new Goten, Piccolo, and Ubuu Page. I added an new long battle (Goku VS Yamacha and Tien), and I updated Goku, and Gotenks. Im almost finish fixing up the page. Ive done 3 pages. I have like 5 more to go till its finish. Since it has characters that Im working on. I am now taking any links, affilates , staff sign ups. I am almost finish the script for the affialtes, but I haven't got that many sites for affilates yet. I also will be coming up with a page that has the requriments for being an affilate soon.
Update #46 3/03/01 Today is an very big update. Myself I haven't seen an update as big as this one in awhile. As I promise I've done some Evil Shenlong(Li), but only a couple of frames, since he takes like an half and hour to finish one frame. If you look at the the gif of the moment you'll see an actuall cell hd form 2. Done how its is in the episode not how it is in the gif from Hyper Dimension. Okay now for the Update!!. I updated the goku page, and added 2 new pages (10,11). I added 2 new Vegeta Pages (6,7). I added an new Majin Buu Page, and a new section Mr. Satan, along with another page to that. I also added an section King Vegeta , and (ofcourse) a new Evil shenlong section. Most of todays update is, because of M.U.G.E.N. If you didn't know already. ( Please Do not use the evil shenlong gifs, until they are fully completed. )
Update #47 3/09/01 As I promise, I ve started to finish some of the super 17's, but since super 17 is made from the same character (veggetto), I decided to do both of them (super 17 and Gogetahd), since It covers more work. The Gogeta you see now is my final version, my old version, is on franks site, not that much of a diffrence though. Okay now for the update. I added an new Pirin page, and Misc page, and I updated Super 17, and Gogeta. I finally got my misc page up. This page will feature fireballs, dbz boards, and alot of other things, I made customly (from scratch. Theres already 5 pages to it (2,3,4,5). 
Update #48 3/19/01 I secretly did Gohan and KrillenHD(krillenhd is at the gif of the moment), since I was bored, even when I was not suppose to. I was suppose to do 1 part of the freeza saga, but I think I can manage to do one by tommorow. The only problem is that by doing a freeza saga I will slow down the time Im suppose to use in order to do some more evil shenlong gifs. This is how I will order what I will work on, first week make a new character (or finish that character).2nd week finish a already made character,3rd week, gif requests and long battles. Okay now for the update, I added an new Tien Page ( with a cool gohanhd made by piccolohd), I also added 2 misc page (6,7), and a new long battle (Majin Buu ub22 Vs Majin Vegeta), theres 2 parts to that (part 2). I updated Gohan.page 7.
Update #49 3/25/01 I've finally learned Akira Toriyama's secret for making those little power up thingys. You'll have to result to the message board in order to see a better version of it. Ive done it for ssjsn staff gif,  but its not that good of an example of it. I have also noticed that I am very good at making gifs from SCRATCH!!!, if you haven't notice that oozaru gif( a.k.a were monkey), Is made from scratch, and according to my pic there is nothing missing from that gif. He takes about an hour, to finish, and since an oozaru doesn't do that much I only have to make a couple of frames in order to finish it. I have 3 new staff members, and I added 2 more affilates. Ive also decided to do my own andriod16hd, which is at the gif of the moment. That took me an hour an a half to finish, since It was my first time attempting it, and that green vest looking thingy includes about 6 values. The legs also took awhile to complete also. Next Update, I will not be doing so much gifs, since I will be rewriting the gif tutorial page. To teach everything I know. I promise ya'll that it would be so good, that you should be able to do gifs as good as I can. Okay now for the update, I added an new Gohan , Pikkehan ,and 2 new misc pages (8,9).( misc page 8 includes a trunks time machine requested by Gif Enhancer). I updated Gohan, Krillen(with some cool krillenhd's), and Li (Evil Shenlong)
Update #50 4/1/01 Were finally back from our recent problems with people who dislike this site. People like Fred, and from now on I will make this site more secure then ever. Next update you will see the diffrence. So I wont be working on the tutorial page. I also got an new Staff member, its actually 2 new staff members.Okay Now for the update. I added  new Super 17 pages (2,3). I added a new Were monkey page, and I add 2 new pages to the Misc section (10,11). I updated Krillen, and the Help wanted section. Telling what jobs are most wanted.( Note: Super 17 is almost finish, when he is finish he can be used on other sites, with permission from me).
Update #51 4/12/01 Its been awhile since I updated. It seems I have no choice but to buy my own ftp,If I want to make more faster updates. Finally I wont be making most of the updates around here. Our new co-host Kennon will be updating the site on whatever he can get. I've been working on alot of hd characters one of them is the Trunkshd right there. Oh and I dont want nobody using him until hes completely finish. Okay now for the update, I added an new Trunks, 2 Krillen pages (3,4), and a new super 17 page, along with an new misc page (your gonna like these addons). I also added an new fanfiction gif I started, Its called Super17's Return, it has 3 parts already (1,2,3).I updated Vegeta and Super17. I also got an new staff member, he will be the sites writer.
Update# 52 4/26/01 Ive finally decided to switch to shtml, html is getting old an hard to work with, so I will be making a new layout, Its should be done in about a month. Also My Mb is down, but it should only be back up soon I hope. I must recite that all of my long battles, saga gifs, and fanfic gifs are not to be used on any other site. A site known as the DBZ Edge, stole my freeza saga gifs, and used it on there site only because a person named chouzu2000 decided to give it to them. I hope this never happens again. I was trying to update on some flashed gifs I made, but I didn't have that much spaced to upload them to, I think I can have it uploaded by tommorow. Okay now for the update, I added an new Bardock , and Misc Page. I updated Gohan, Trunks, I also fixed those super17 gifs that where down. Finally I decided to add some more dbz clips to my Movies Section.

What do you think I should add to my page?

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Copyright 2000
The site was created June 1998, Best viewed 800x600 .Any gifs (made by me) here cannot be taken (to be use on any other sites) without the written permission of kiss72ass. Dragon Ball Z is a trademark of Bandai, Toriyama , and Funimation . We are not associated with these companies mentioned. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and hopefully Dragon Ball AF, were created by Akira Toriyama. Not by me. Gifs here were edited from the Following games Super Butaden1,2,3 , Hyper Dimensio,etc.Site Designed By kiss72ass.